Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Overfishing a result of unresonable human activity

Protection of Marine environments have been neglected

Over the years the human activity overexploited all resources knowned on earth untill some rules and sanctions were installed. This prevented most human from abusing of it's ecosystem except in one types of ecosystem. Indeed we have neglected all marine ecocystem because they are almost impossible to control because of it's immense size. It is impossible to make sure that everyone respect all marine environements whether it be fishermen catching endangered species or just boat emptying all their sewage in the sea. Even though the oceans do not take a important part in our everyday life it controls the entire earth ecosytem, one small change in the oceans will have a result of actions that will finally affect us directly.

Two main threats, one common problem

The two main threats to oceans are a result of uncontrolled human activity. Pollution and overfishing of certain species have some dramatic effect on the ocean. Eventhough we do not see a direct impact on us it will eventually affect us at some point. We are currently destroying entire ecosystem that took thousands of year to build, all of that for the personal benefice of some human being. Sewage treatment factories are an important expense in someone budget this is why some people will throw all their dumps and chemicals directly in the ocean thinking it will have no impact compared to the oceans' surface. Indeed those two uncontrolled activities are driven by greed and do not care about the earth health for future generation. This behavior has to stop in order of putting ourself and the human kind and an other species in danger